Tag Archives: aggression

Workplace Bullying: Battling it out in higher education….

Workplace Bullying: Battling it out in higher education….

Workplace Bullying: Battling it out in higher education….

Workplace Bullying: Battling it out in higher education….


Workplace bullying is a documented phenomenon in corporate sectors and in Europe.  Workplace bullying is actually an extension of the school yard bullying.  Workplace bullying targets the people who are viewed as reasonable, empathetic or in the lower power position.  It is interesting then, that of late, several people have approached Patricia Berkly about their careers in higher education.  Workplace bullying is a critical issue that destroys the careers of many.  And as studies show, workplace bullying disproportionately affects women, people of color, the LBGT community and those over 40 in greater numbers.


Bullying means harassing, offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting someone’s work tasks.. it has to occur repeatedly and regularly over a period of time (about six months)… it is an escalating process, the person confronted end up in an inferior position and becomes the target of systematic negative social acts. (Einarsen, Hoek, Zapf, and Cooper, 2003, p 22).


Therefore, when a seasoned colleague feels he or she is hanging on until retirement, enduring put downs and unreasonable criticisms from a newly appointed leaders, workplace bullying can be the reason.  When the department or division cowers in its tracks just to make it another semester because their ideas are not valued, workplace bullying may be at the root.


Patricia Berkly LLC is focusing on an original study on workplace bullying in higher education administration.  The goal will be to identify the cause of workplace bullying, the targets of workplace bullying and offer solutions to workplace bullying.