Tag Archives: Title VII

Diversity management at McDonalds?

Diversity management at McDonalds?

Diversity management at McDonalds?

Diversity management at McDonalds?


Some were saddened to read that diversity management might have been lacking at McDonalds here in greater Philadelphia.  Diversity management could have helped McDonalds avoid a very costly workplace bullying case. Lacking diversity management led to a $90,000 settlement for a young man who was bullied at work. Diversity management would have trained the supervisor and staff not to harass this young man with cognitive challenges. Diversity management is not just about developing cultural sensitivity; diversity management would continuously train staff.  An organization like McDonalds is particularly vulnerable when a diversity management plan is not in place.  Staff attrition is high at such jobs, but a diversity management plan can help keep that staff compliant.

Often organizations believe they don’t have time for diversity management. However, consider what happens in the absence of diversity management.  Diversity management could have helped the organization avoid costly legal fees.  Diversity management would have helped this McDonalds avoid a time consuming discovery process.  Diversity management is priceless; diversity management keeps organization compliant with changing trends in hiring, recruitment and retraining.  Diversity management can keep manager educated to avoid Title VII complaints.  Without proper diversity management, organizations expose themselves to staff problems. Diversity management is a necessary cost of doing business… just like any other training.